To: All Hornady Customers and Partners
From: Jason Hornady and Hornady Sales Department
RE: Price Increase June 1, 2021
We have done everything we can to abate a mid-year price increase. We are sure everyone has witnessed the commodity prices as of late; copper recently hit an all-time high of $4.47/lb. Steel, zinc, and lead are all up, along with almost all other items we use in manufacturing. Other raw goods such as cardboard, tape, etc. are also up in price and in tight supply. Freight delays, as well as, pricing are also a challenge. Inbound container shipments from China reached the $8500+ mark, almost double what they were, and the prices continue to climb.
All of this is more than we can absorb. Due to these market changes, we will be forced to take a hard stop price increase June 1, 2021. The price changes will be in the 7-15% range.
Imported Steel Security Products 10-15%
Domestic Steel Products 10-12%
Hornady Ammunition/Components 7-12%
Frontier Branded Items 12-15%
Because this will be a hard stop increase, all orders and items will ship and invoice at the June 1, 2021 pricing, regardless of order placement date. Any backorders calling for shipment before June of 2020, will be canceled.
Please let us know if you would like to cancel any orders, otherwise we will automatically reprice them for you. Net price lists will be available in the next two weeks. For visibility, your sales rep can provide you with an open order report on request.
We apologize for the inconvenience. We hate it, and it is yet another challenge for all of us to overcome in these strange times. As always, we appreciate your support and your business.