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1000 Round Case Federal Premium LE Tactical P9HST2 - 9mm 147gr HST JHP - High Quality Defensive Round!

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1000 round factory sealed case of FEDERAL P9HST2 - 9mm 147 gr HST

Federal LE HST 9mm handgun ammunition is designed to deliver the high performance today's law enforcement officers demand. Each HST bullet is individually engineered to provide shot-to-shot uniformity and ensure optimum performance when fired through a variety of barriers. The result is a cartridge that provides officers the ultimate defense in lethal force confrontations.

This cartridge and a modified version of the Speer G2 have been chosen by the FBI as their duty rounds of the future. The G2 cartridge was modified to allow for better expansion and the HST was recently modified in order to optimize barrier penetration.

If you would prefer less than a full case, we also offer 500 rounds P9HST2 and 250 rounds P9HST2.

This is the recommended practice round for Federal Tactical HST 9mm 147gr Hollow Points: American Eagle AE9FP

Federal LE HST 9mm handgun ammunition is designed to deliver the high performance today's law enforcement officers demand. Each HST bullet is individually engineered to provide shot-to-shot uniformity and ensure optimum performance when fired through a variety of barriers. The result is a cartridge that provides officers the ultimate defense in lethal force confrontations.

Dr. Gary Roberts in pistol-forum.com:

"The IWBA published some of Gene Wolberg's material from his study of San Diego PD officer involved shootings that compared bullet performance in calibrated 10% ordnance gelatin with the autopsy results using the same ammunition. When I last spoke with Mr. Wolberg in May of 2000, he had collected data on nearly 150 OIS incidents which showed the majority of the 9mm 147 gr bullets fired by officers had penetrated 13 to 15 inches and expanded between 0.60 to 0.62 inches in both human tissue and 10% ordnance gelatin. Several other agencies with strong, scientifically based ammunition terminal performance testing programs have conducted similar reviews of their shooting incidents with much the same results--there is an extremely strong correlation between properly conducted and interpreted 10% ordnance gelatin laboratory studies and the physiological effects of projectiles in actual shooting incidents."

"Like SDPD, other large California agencies have successfully used the 9mm 147 gr JHP, such as LAPD, LASO, SJPD, SCPD. These and other California agencies successfully using the 9mm 147 gr JHP have thousands of officers with hundreds of officer involved shootings, all who have successfully used 9mm 147 gr JHP loads."

"Perhaps the documented success of the 9mm 147 gr JHP in California is a result of differing laws of physics on the West Coast than in other areas. Unfortunately, that conjecture does not stand up to scrutiny as the extensive Royal Canadian Mounted Police studies determined that the 9mm 147 gr JHP was the most effective load for the caliber. In addition, during the ammunition trials for the U.S. Military M11 pistol conducted by Navy Weapons Center Crane Indiana, the 9mm 147gr JHP was selected as the issue load for the M11, beating a variety of other 9mm JHP loads, including both standard pressure and +P pressure 115 gr and 124 gr JHP’s. Not to mention the FBI has consistently selected 9 mm 147 gr JHP's for issue to their personnel who are running 9 mm."

"I am currently carrying Fed 147 gr HST and like the Speer 124 gr +P as well." Dr. Gary Roberts

FWIW, many of the largest west coast LE agencies have been using 147 gr for two decades without any issues, same with the FBI... Dr. Gary Roberts

The FBI currently issues a 147 gr and previously issued 147 gr going back the last quarter century or so, as noted above... Dr. Gary Roberts

"My PD issues the 147 HST load, and we have had very good luck with it. One officer involved shooting had one round penetrate a car door, partially through the seat and into the bad guy, fatally." M4Carbine.net

"Winchester Ranger Talon had been used around here for over a decade with superb OIS incident results. Unfortunately, in 2008, Winchester was unable to deliver the quantity of ammo needed in the required time frame; the Federal HST met the bid requirements and was immediately available. For what it's worth, since the change over, the currently issued HST (P9HST2, P40HST1, P45HST1/P45HST2) has performed at least as well in OIS incidents as the previously issued Ranger Talon (RA9T, RA40T, RA45TP/RA45T)." Dr. Gary Roberts

Velocity means nothing with the new generation ammo. It relies on design to expand not velocity.

"Whatever you choose, make sure you fire at least 500 and preferably 1000 failure free shots through your pistol prior to carrying it. If your pistol cannot fire at least 1000 consecutive shots without a malfunction, something is wrong and it is not suitable for duty/self-defense use." Dr. Gary Roberts in pistol-forum.com

"Purchase a consistent, robust performing duty/self-defense load in sufficient quantities (at least 1000 rounds) then STOP worrying about the nuances of handgun ammunition terminal performance." Dr. Gary Roberts

This is the recommended practice round for Federal Tactical HST 9mm 147gr Hollow Points: American Eagle AE9FP

"Bullet designs like the Silver Tip, Hydra-Shok, and Black Talon were state of the art 15 or 20 years ago. These older bullets tend to plug up and act like FMJ projectiles when shot through heavy clothing; they also often have significant degradation in terminal performance after first passing through intermediate barriers. Modern ammunition which has been designed for robust expansion against clothing and intermediate barriers is significantly superior to the older designs. The bullets in the Federal Classic and Hydrashok line are outperformed by other ATK products such as the Federal Tactical and HST, as well as the Speer Gold Dot; likewise Winchester Ranger Talons are far superior to the old Black Talons or civilian SXT's." Dr. Gary Roberts